Stephanie McMahon explains why the next three WrestleManias have been announced and is grateful to watch the Super Bowl


WWE recently announced the next three years of WrestleMania, and Stephanie McMahon explained why in a new interview. McMahon spoke with Tony Maglio at The Wrap to discuss the company’s WrestleMania plans and more; you can check out some highlights below.

To be able to see how the Super Bowl will handle the logistics of the pandemic: “It certainly works, I think, this year in our favor of being the post-Super Bowl event in the same stadium, especially given all of the key learnings the Super Bowl will have. And hopefully we can provide them with information on what works, what doesn’t, what we need to do to really ensure the best possible experience.

On the number of fans they hope to have: “Right now we hope to have fans. We are not announcing any capacity plan at this time. “

By announcing the next three WrestleMania events at once: “It helps everyone. It helps us for planning purposes, it helps our fans plan their trips, it helps in so many ways. And now we can really work with all of our partners at every level in all these big cities and really blow it up as big as we can. Also during this time I think people need hope and I think you need something to look forward to.


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