Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel roast De Blasio in their bid for 2020


Bill de Blasio's long-term presidential aspirations became a staple for night television on both coasts on Thursday night.

Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert spoke of a recent poll that said 76% of New Yorkers did not want the elected mayor elected in 2020.

"Maybe he is a presidential candidate so he can escape all those who hate him in New York," joked Kimmel, born in Brooklyn, whose series "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Is turned to Hollywood. "I really do not know what Bill de Blasio thinks – he has no chance of winning."

Thursday, de Blasio put an end to months of trouble by announcing his candidacy for the presidency, making him the 24th Democratic candidate to join the race.

"At this point, announcing that you run for president is like announcing that you're running a 5K," Kimmel said. "Good for you, nobody is interested in it, do not post pictures."

Meanwhile, the audience for "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," filmed in Manhattan, let out a collective groan as Colbert noted that another new Democrat candidate had made his way into the clown car.

"You hear the hometown crowd heartily," he joked. "De Blasio's announcement was echoed:" Really? Why & # 39; "

Colbert's monologue includes an excerpt from De Blasio's announcement video, which shows him crisscrossing the city at the back of a sporty and crisp SUV:. "

"Mr. Mayor, I have bad news," said Colbert, "They are all alike because they are really mad at you."


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