Stephen Colbert examines Trump's assertion of having an unstoppable device. Plus, Tim Apple!


Stephen Colbert, raising an alarmed eyebrow.

Nothing to fear.


On Monday night, the American hosts had a little fun with the objectively hilarious flood of lies from Donald Trump who had mistakenly called Tim Cook "Tim Apple". There is no way to talk or even think of "Tim Apple" without cracking everyone else out of the park. Judged strictly on the jokes of "Tim Apple", the version of Seth Meyers was probably the funniest, because she had pointed out that the first lie of Trump did not even mean in his own words:

"Tim Cook Apple" does not make more sense than "Tim Apple". The story you want us to believe is that you did not say, "We appreciate it a lot, Tim Apple," you said: like it a lot, Tim Cook Apple? If you want to lie, at least improve your situation! "Agent, I did not drink because I was taking too much cocaine."

But although Stephen Colbert's song "Tim Apple" did not quite have the blue ribbon – although to be clear, it's hilarious, as every joke that anyone will write never about the president of the whole country calling someone "Tim Apple" and then lying about it – he always outstripped all his colleagues by leaps and bounds because he was the only late-night host to have noticed that the Trump campaign had just claimed to build an "unstoppable device":

The bad news comes from the Washington Post's presentation on Donald Trump's foolish stratagem to remain president of the United States, which, surprisingly, did not involve any complementary questions about this unstoppable device. On the other hand, it is easy to talk about these things with the Monday morning quarterback, and to be fair to La Poste, not only the unstoppable secret of the devices, but Parscale is a trustworthy interview. For example, here is his answer to an innocuous question about upcoming campaign events in his home state, Kansas:

It's a shame that the post has not gone further – especially about this race of atomic supermen! – but Colbert has done us a great service by putting the unstoppable apparatus within the reach of all. One thing is certain: no matter what unstoppable device turns out to be, there is probably nothing to be afraid of!


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