Stephen Colbert ruins Stephanie Grisham’s Trump book so no one will buy it


In the nine months that have passed since January 6, Stephen Colbert has done everything to stop talking about Donald Trump in his Last show monologue, refusing even to say the name of the former president or show it on the screen. But as he said on Tuesday night, the news sometimes forces him to give in.

“There is a new eye-opener from former White House press secretary and divorced sister of Morticia Addams, Stephanie Grisham,” the host explained. “Stéphanie Grisham worked at the White House for four years and, as a press secretary, she never gave a single press conference. But now she’s spilling all the tea in her new book, “I Just Got A Spine.”

The book is cynically titled I’ll answer your questions now: what I saw in the Trump White House, but as Colbert told viewers, he doesn’t want to help the author “sell a single copy of her revealer about the time she didn’t tell us anything.” So he added, “That’s why I’m going to mess up all the juicy details of,” I’m going to take your money now. “”

In response to Grisham using “colorful language” to describe the Trump White House as a “burning clown car running at full speed through a warehouse full of fireworks,” the host pointed out that “she knew everything. on the clown car and she always called “shotgun” for four years. “

From there, Colbert kept his promises and ruined as many stories from Grisham’s new book as he could, from when he wore some of his makeup during a speech in Saudi Arabia to moment Donald Trump Jr. tried to get his girlfriend, former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, to a state dinner with Queen Elizabeth.

“Just who you want to interact with the queen,” Colbert said, before imagining what would happen: “’Oh my God, Don Jr., you seem to have dropped your little bag of sugar. Hmmm, let’s get on with it. a little in my tea… ‘”Then, in case anyone was confused, he added,“ It’s cocaine.

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