Stephen Colbert welcomes Joe Biden to … Jimmy Kimmel's show? – Deadline


The show late Host Stephen Colbert was holding Joe Biden's feet in the fire.

In an interview with the former vice-president who became Democratic presidential candidate, Colbert drew up a list of so-called "gaffes" for which Biden became famous (notorious?) During the election campaign.

"You called yourself a goof machine," said Colbert, and noted that Biden had assured us, "I will not go crazy." So Colbert asked the logical question: "Are you going crazy?"

Biden came back with, "Look, why I came to the Jimmy Kimmel Show …" laughed loudly.

Colbert then asked if it was right or wrong to report Biden's gaffes, and the guest said, "It comes with the territory" of politics. He defended himself by noting that his blunders were not about substantive issues, but happened when "I try to talk about what others have done," as at the time. a recent breakaway when he collected several facts about the respect of the Afghan soldier.

"So, look, it's a different thing to say when you talk about honoring bravery or sacrificing what others have experienced," Biden continued. "The fact that I said I was vice-president, I'm not sure it's relevant. I'm not mistaken, like, "We should lock children in cages on the border"

The segment below:


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