Steve Wozniak wants Apple to jump in the folding phone train – BGR


If you paid special attention to the trade press last week, you have undoubtedly been swamped with headlines that have touted the merits of a company preparing the release of a foldable smartphone – with manufacturers going from Huawei to LG, Motorola, Xiaomi and many others.

All the usual suspects, in other words. And it's no secret, as we and others have pointed out, that Apple has at least considered the possibility of making such an iPhone, even going as far as getting a patent covering 'flexible display' in relation to his research in this field.

And even if we do not know if a collapsible iPhone will ever see the light of day – Apple will undoubtedly prefer to sit back and watch its rival competitors smartphones try to gain traction with these devices before moving on to the next. action – there is at least one high-level tech personality who longs for a soft iPhone. It is none other than Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, who entrusted to a Bloomberg Journalist, he wants to not only get his hands on a flexible iPhone, but also that he strongly wishes that Apple be a leader in this segment yet unpublished smartphone market.

"Apple has long been a leader in several areas, such as the Touch ID (face) and easy payment with the phone," said Wozniak Bloomberg interview. "It's not the leader in areas like the folding phone, and it worries me because I really want a folding phone."

In the video excerpt Bloomberg included in his interview with Apple's co-founder, he concedes that Apple "always has surprises" and is constantly working on a multitude of new developments and products in the background. But yes, when it comes to foldable phones: "It's one of those new technologies that's catching my eye," Wozniak said.

Foldable phones have been central to CMM in recent days, with many observers questioning their viability, given the generally high price of expensive four-digit price tags for these handsets, which introduce a new form. If a collapsible iPhone materializes, there is at least a chance that it looks a bit like the picture at the top of this article – this image being a rendering prepared by a Dutch tech blog. LetsGoDigital based on Apple's patent documentation.

Source of the image: LetsGoDigital


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