Steve Young Knows Why Matt Nagy Won’t Launch Justin Fields


The debate over the Chicago Bears’ quarterback position was always inevitable. When they traded to Justin Fields and head coach Matt Nagy declared Andy Dalton the Week 1 starter anyway? He had to know the media storm that was to follow. Especially if Fields looked good and Dalton wasn’t in the preseason. A result that has since materialized. People just can’t figure out why Nagy is so stubborn about it. Well, maybe Steve Young can shed some light on this.

The Hall of Fame quarterback knows a thing or two have a unique perspective on this. Not only has he been in a quarterback controversy with the 49ers before, he’s also one of the few in history who understands the pros and cons of playing straight away (as he did at the USFL) and wait his turn (as he did in San Francisco). For him, Nagy’s state of mind has less to do with Fields actually being ready and more to do with something else.


The Bears head coach already has a ton of people blaming him for what has happened with Mitch Trubisky over the past three years. He was meant to be that offensive guru who can develop a young quarterback. Instead, Trubisky was a flop. Something that didn’t help when the Bears’ former QB earned them 34 points in the first half last Saturday. Nagy knows he can no longer hide behind Trubisky. Fields is his personal choice as a quarterback. There are no more excuses. It must be a success Otherwise, Nagy is unemployed. This could explain why he is unusually conservative.

What Young says makes a lot of sense. Nagy is already reeling from the apathy of his attack. He constantly sold people that the quarterback was the problem. After watching Dalton for the past two weeks, it hasn’t made anyone think 2021 will be much better. His only hope in their eyes goes with Fields’ top athlete. Nagy doesn’t want to take this risk. The more he stalls, the more time he buys.

Steve Young knows Nagy has no credibility on his side

While it is true that he has never known a losing season, no one can say it was because of his attack. This unit has consistently been one of the worst in the NFL over the past three years. He was fortunate enough to inherit a strong defense. It might not sustain him any longer. The defense is aging and could soon go through a period of transition. The offense will have to take over if the Bears are to win. This puts immense pressure on Nagy to deliver.

That’s why he wants to go with Dalton. This is the safest bet. While the veteran might not deliver a top 10 offense in Chicago, history says he can at least get them into the top 20. Something that would be a significant improvement for this team. On the other hand, if he launches Fields immediately and the kid struggles? Fans and the media won’t blame the QB. They will blame the head coach. Steve Young knows it. Why?

Nagy has no credibility.

The fields do it. He was a huge hit at Ohio State. He has shown all kinds of abilities in the preseason. If we can’t get him to leave, then it can’t be because Fields isn’t good enough. It has to be the head coach and his whole system. Nagy says he’s doing what’s best for the rookie. It may be true, but it is not the only reason. Like it or not, there is an element of self-preservation involved in this.


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