Stop & Shop unions on day 4 of the strike; temporary workers in some stores


NEW HAVEN – Tired, scared, angry and determined.

These four words summarize the feelings of striking Stop & Shop workers in front of the Amity store on Sunday morning.

It was the fourth day of the conflict and the workers said that rumors abounded as they were distinguished by an increasingly hot day, fearing not to eat on their table, to pay the rent and to take care of their family.

But the workers also said that they continued to seek community support and were determined to stay on the picket line as talks continued between Stop & Shop and Local 371 of the US Trade Union. 39, food and trade, which represents workers in much of Connecticut. They said they heard that both parties were "at the table".

"We are getting stronger as the days go by," said Emily Sabo, Business Representative for Local 919 of the United Steelworkers Union of Food and Commercial Workers. The support of the community is great. Workers have joined together more than ever.

The Stop & Shop sites in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island are either closed or partially operational, with workers organizing pickets to protest the cuts in the company's contract proposal.

"I'm tired, I'm tired," said Ruth Cherry, a long-time worker at Stop & Shop who was with a group of other union members on Sunday morning. "But we stay together."

Cherry, however, noted that she and many others are "ready to go back to work" when the stalemate with the grocery giant ends.

Workers said they learned that temporary workers were in stores, but they did not know how many.

Roberto Bonaparte, general manager of Amity store, said the location would be open until 8 pm. Sunday, with limited service. Bonaparte said that it was not free to say whether temporary workers had been hired.

However, Jennifer Brogan, a spokeswoman for Stop & Shop, said about temporary workers: "This has been part of our emergency plans since the beginning. That said, the situation is fluid and we are moving and adding resources based on need and availability. "

When asked if there were any stores that will have temporary workers / business staff for the first time on Sunday, she said, "I can only say that this varies according to the stores, but we have temporary replacements and business personnel who work in our stores. through New England to minimize disruption to our customers. "

Juliette Sabo, a Local 919 shop steward in Fairfield, and a 38-year-old employee of Stop & Shop, said the union had learned that temporary workers would be recruited and tried to dissuade them from shopping. .

The union members "implore them to make the right choice," said Sabo.

"We are doing our best to fight them," she said. "There are few."

Juliette Sabo confided that she had made a "Marty" cardboard to simulate the Stop & Shop robot installed in some of her stores and that this had sparked positive reactions.

"The union members are excited," said Sabo. "We are not going back."

Amity store workers said that at least two people who went to this place identified themselves as temporary workers.

Workers said they like their job, enjoy working with the public and worry about the amount of food that could be wasted when expiry dates are used for perishable goods.

The United International Union of Food and Trade Workers said workers feared the offer would increase health care premiums, reduce pension benefits and raise wages by less than $ 25,000. 2% for many part-time workers.

"I would like to protect my pension, we want to keep what we have," said a stop & shop worker who identified herself as Debbie.

Michelle, who was also outside the Amity site, said, "It's our job, it's our family, we just want support from the community."

US Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Said in a statement that he would meet Stop & Shop workers in Simsbury, who are on strike to "demand that Stop & Shop provide affordable health care and a equitable remuneration. "

Emily Sabo said the union hoped the strike would end soon so that workers could return to work.

"But to do this, Stop & Shop must offer a fair contract," she said. "We are ready to fight as long as we need to."

In its latest publication, published on its website Saturday, Stop & Shop said: "Local UFCW and Stop & Shop have continued negotiations today on new contracts for the 31,000 employees of Stop & Shop in New -England. Discussions should resume Sunday morning (14 April). "

"We will continue to provide updates as the situation evolves."


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