More than 30 homes were damaged by the weather that hit Franklin, Texas on Saturday, April 13, 2019. The National Weather Service warns of a second wave of severe weather throughout Texas starting April 17. (Photo: Laura McKenzie / The Eagle, AP)

Some southern regions that were hit hard by a violent storm and tornadoes last weekend are facing a new wave of weather violence beginning Wednesday as a three-day storm system straddling Tornado Alley is move to the east.

About 118 million people live in areas of strong storms, AccuWeather warns.

The National Weather Service announced that the greatest risk of heavy storms Wednesday would be along the infamous tornado-infested corridor from southeastern Oklahoma to the far west of Arkansas. as well as in North and Central Texas.

The Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center has designated this stretch, as well as southeastern Kansas, in an area of ​​increased risk, which means a tornado risk, frequent lightning, strong winds exceeding 13 km / h and hail up to 2 inches or more.

At least nine people were killed by the severe weather on the south track this weekend.

In this new wave of severe weather, cities like Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin and Oklahoma City will be particularly at risk on Wednesday.

One of the biggest dangers of the next three days is the likelihood that night storms will lead to high winds and tornadoes, while many people will sleep, warns AccuWeather. It is feared that people will sleep through warnings or that others will not hear the dangerous storms happen.

These storms also pose a sudden threat of flooding Thursday morning from East Texas to the metropolitan area of ​​Memphis, in places already soaked by well above average rainfall.

At the same time, it is possible to create a separate area of ​​violent thunderstorms, including some tornadoes, in the Upper Midwest, particularly in parts of Iowa, southern Wisconsin, and the United States. West of Illinois.

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On Thursday, extreme weather conditions, possibly up to tornadoes, are expected to spread from southern Illinois and southwest Indiana to areas near the Louisiana coastline and southeastern Ontario. Mississippi.

On Friday, the violent system is expected to reach the east and southeast coast, with a series of storms ranging from Washington to Miami.

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