Strange: a new music video Microsoft is making fun of Windows Phone, Vista, Surface and more


Strange: a new music video Microsoft makes fun of Windows Phone, Vista, Surface and more

Microsoft has a long history in the computer world, but not everyone has the time to read about it on Wikipedia, in textbooks or online. Some of the company's trainees seem to have understood this and recently created a fun, Microsoft-themed musical called "Microsoft the Musical". As Neowin points out, the odd musical has been successful in Surface, the failure of Windows Phone, and so on.

The music video, which lasts about 10 minutes, begins with an "introduction" of Bill Gates, then evokes the story of Windows. The other segments of the musical then mention Microsoft Office, Clippy, Xbox, Minecraft, HoloLens and more. The most interesting moments may be around minute 2 and 55 seconds when trainees joke about the failure of Windows Phone. As the first chorus of the segment says:

"Everything is happening here … the standard for your office and your home. Everything is happening here. Our products are known all over the world! Except when we tried to make a phone!

For Surface fans, the best part of the musical comes in the first verse, about 2 minutes and 18 seconds in the full video. At this point, trainees insist that there was a laptop missing at Microsoft but eventually revolutionized the sector. It continues:

"We were missing a laptop that was fine. So we redesigned an industry and then we did it twice! We named it "surface", both descriptive and concise. Why buy two devices when a Surface would suffice?

It does not appear that this musical is officially approved by Microsoft, as the video does not appear to be linked to any of the company's social media channels. Still according to the description of the YouTube video, it was the work of 150 Microsoft day, weekend and night interns who held positions within the company during the summer of 2019.

The video also seems particularly focused on "dreamers," and Microsoft encourages these trainees to get to work. "We hope this speaks to all those who dream of being part of something big – and especially to those who have been wrongly told that they can not. At one point, we were all in your place. You CAN, you MUST and REAR, "says Liam McGregor, the director of the video.

Additional Reading: Microsoft, Surface, Windows Phone


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