Streamer beats Demon’s Souls PS5 without taking a single hit


Demon's Souls PS5 No Hit Run Hob

Completing a normal Demon’s Souls streak is pretty tricky, but what about beating it all off without taking a single hit? This is what Twitch streamer The_Happy_Hob handled this weekend in front of thousands upon thousands of viewers.

Hob, as he is more commonly known, had previously spent flow after flow attempting the unsuccessful race of Demon’s Souls. Countless hours of practice and mastering very specific strategies make racing possible, and even then it’s just as difficult as you might imagine.

It’s worth noting that Hob hasn’t hit the original Demon Souls many times in the past, but while this is an incredibly faithful remake, Demon’s Souls on PS5 is definitely not. identical – especially when it comes to certain boss fights.

You can see the moment Hob finished the race via the video embedded below. Beware of possible spoilers, obviously.

With Demon’s Souls PS5 defeated, Hob looks to complete five more unsuccessful races before the end of the year, having bet he would be able to beat 12 different points in 2020. One of those races is what he called ‘The God Run 2’, which consists of Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice in one attempt. Get hit in any of these games, and it’s back to the very beginning. We wish him the best of luck!

Anyway, well done Bob.


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