Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online raises $ 2.8 million for Doctors Without Borders


Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online, the video game speedrunning marathon that raises funds for charity, has just raised more than $ 2.8 million for Doctors Without Borders.

SGDQ ended its 24-hour week-long charity stream earlier today on July 11, and it was highlighted by incredible runs such as “Plexa’s run of Golden sun: the lost age, the teddyras race Gone to play golf, the JCog cartridge exchange series Paper mario, the perfect havrd score GeoGuessr run, and ZooKetra’s Nintendogs race, which was marred by the antics of a hilariously disobedient Labrador Retriever. “

The team also shared the dates of their upcoming events, including the Flame Fatales women-only speedrun event August 15-21 and Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 January 9-16, 2022.

According to the official tracking of donations from the SGDQ, there were 153 races, 218 prizes awarded, 82 offers of participation, 22,621 donors and 40,329 donations.

While dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online was an improvement over SGDQ 2020’s still insanely impressive $ 2.3 million.

You can review all of the speedruns on Games Done Quick’s YouTube channel and find out more about donating and participating on their website.

For more speedrunning benefits, be sure to check out our Devs React to Speedrun series for games like the original Star Fox, Mass Effect, Fallout: New Vegas, Hades, and more.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news editor for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Tic.


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