Super Smash Bros. dedicates a full update to Nerfing Wii Fit Trainer


You can't get away from this one, Wii Fit Trainer.

You can’t get away from this one, Wii Fit Trainer.
Screenshot: Nintendo

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate changes in balance tend to occur in waves. Whenever the developers add new content to the game, players can expect to be greeted with a handful of character tweaks from the vast roster. But in the latest update, Nintendo’s makers set their sights on just one fighter: Wii Fit Trainer.

The only line in the worm. Update 11.0.1 explains that “the vulnerability when landing after using the special side header of the Wii Fit Trainer had unintentionally decreased, so this has been adjusted.” Thus ends an exercise-based reign of terror that began earlier this month.

On March 4, Wii Fit Trainer received what the community calls a “shadow buff,” or gameplay enhancement that was not mentioned in the official changelog, as part of the worm. Update 11.0.0. While fixing a long-standing bug with the Wii Fit Trainer’s special Header, the developers also cut the recovery of the motion landing by more than half – or the time between the end of the animation. attack and the ability for the player to perform a follow-up action – by more than half.

This buff gave the popular move even more utility, especially when combined with the character’s Deep Breathing special to increase his fall speed. Under these circumstances, Header became incredibly difficult for the opponent to punish because the user was able to recover so quickly after using it. The buff even opened up some cool new combo routes for players to learn.

As is often the case with these changes, Wii Fit Trainer users loved it while other serious competitors hated it, but for the most part it didn’t seem to affect tournament results for. the few weeks he was in play or improve the ranking of fitness instructors. in various power classifications. With or without the shadow buff, Wii Fit Trainer is still considered a decidedly middle-of-the-road fighter, which is a shame for the sake of watching them in high-level play.

I’m very much in favor of leaving stuff like this rock for a little while before tweaking it with an update, even though that was really a mistake, but I guess we have to respect the developer vision here. I guess the Wii Fit Trainer just wasn’t meant to have all that power.


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