Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Player creates a custom scene designed to help Zero Suit Samus practice some of his most important sequences.


This is probably only the beginning for these

We had a lot of fun with the new stage creator mode of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but a player by the name of Darthmitten put poop jokes aside in favor of a legitimate practice.

Mitten has built a tailor-made stage perfectly prepared for Zero Suit Samus, who will perfect the execution and become familiar with a range of situations in which she regularly finds herself fighting.

"I've created a stage so that Zero Suit Samus players can do workout exercises," Mitten explains on Twitter. "I've created specific sections to perfectly frame FF Nairs in order to reach the lowest Crouch, Nair> Scale, Nair> Bair vs. Kill% s, Nair> Nair> by practicing shield crossovers with a correct spacing, and more! "

Obviously, this is tailor made for only one of the 70 members of the Ultimate composition, but we expect to see more and more appearing for other characters in the near future, as this seems like a very legitimate way for players to hone their skills.

For those interested in trying this exact step for yourself, the corresponding identifier is 1QKNTVTP. Enter this code in the custom step search and you should be able to run the obstacle course yourself.

You can see the scene in action while ZSS performs some exercises to improve its performance in the game. Let us know what you think in the comments after watching.

Click on the image for the animated version


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