Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The final smash of the joker crashing against some switches



The problem seems to concern only the classic mode.

By Adam Bankhurst

The last DLC character of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Joker of Persona 5, blocks the player's Nintendo switches when he uses his Final Smash to end a match in classic mode.

This problem has been confirmed by Zachary Ryan from IGN, as his switch froze three times by finishing a match in classic mode with Joker's Final Smash. There are also many other examples, including a Reddit thread posted by CubingVainGlory, that show the current block.

It seems that this problem only occurs in classic mode and only with Joker, and does not seem to affect other aspects of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at the time of writing this article.

Nintendo has not yet commented on the problem nor released any plans on its resolution, but it is safe to assume that it will not be long before everything is settled.

This is not the first problem that Nintendo has encountered since version 3.0 and the release of Joker, because when it was available earlier in the week, the Nintendo eShop was inaccessible and many had to wait a long time before Try the first character of Super Smash. The fighters of Ultimate Bros.

However, when things do not go wrong with Joker, it's really fun to play. In our review of Ultimate's first Challenger Pack, we said "with the addition of an incredibly flashy scene, new mind-beating battles to challenge visuals that go beyond the addition of 'a new fighter, this content has a lot of heart.'

Also be sure to check out our Joker wiki guide to learn how to master this brand new character.

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Adam Bankhurst is an IGN journalist who thinks it's all that Joker does and he makes fun of all these problems. You can follow him on Twitter @ AdamBankhurst.


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