Supergirl Recap: Season 4, Episode 16 – The Origin of Red Daughter


Sundays Super Girl has gone back three years – until 2015, when this series was still airing on CBS – to explain how Lex Luthor had recruited his surprising acolytes, including his "daughter".

We first had Eve Teschmacher, a great fan of Lex who really thirsts for her specific Kool-Aid flavor. She praised her "spirit once in a generation" and felt it was humanity's last hope against extraterrestrial invaders. And as flattery will take you everywhere with Lex, he asked Eve a simple favor: get a job as a Cat Grant assistant and wait for more orders. (It should be noted that James and Lena both testified at Lex's trial, which gave him two more reasons for revenge.)

We then took two and a half years before the arrival of Red Daughter in Kaznia. Naturally, the first reflex of the government of Kazakhstan was to turn it into a weapon, but when it proved too difficult to handle, the army asked Lex (with Otis and Eve) to intervene. Thus began a troubling mentor, composed of dramatic chess games, literary montages and vague European accents.

Part of this training brought Red Daughter to National City, where she visited Kara's too big loft ("On a reporter's pay!"), Made it wrong during the course of A conversation with Alex and explored in a serious way what makes the Steel Girl vibrate. Unfortunately, Red Daughter came to the conclusion that neither Kara nor the United States were the enemies described by Lex, leaving him only a desperate gesture: to claim to kill the favorite Red Daughter Kaznian child and blame it to those naughty Americans.

Red Daughter, however, was surprisingly insightful, quickly deducing that Lex's plan was all about rivalry with Lena. This put their relationship very much in the state, but he was not going to lose it, which became a real possibility after a routine workout leaving him in critical condition. So Lex did what any nasty selfish man would do: he gave himself cancer, setting off the events we saw last week.

Nowadays: Lex, new and improved, has returned to Kaznia, where he has restored his health to Red Daughter (and has given him back his confidence). "Supergirl is acting on her emotions," she concluded. "It's selfish, ugly. I will not be her. I'll be me I'll follow you … and destroy her. Sip.

Oh, one more thing: Thanks to the flashbacks, we also learned that Lex was involved in the rise of Ben Lockwood, who needed someone to sow additional seeds of contention between humans and extraterrestrials. At a recent screening in the presence of TVLine, executive producer Robert Rovner confirmed that "Lex Luthor is involved in everything that has happened this season".

Are you grateful to Sunday Super Girl to fill as many whites this season? Leave a comment with your thoughts on the episode below.


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