Supermoon 2019: Snow Moon Launches High Tide Flood Alert EXTREME | Science | New


The gravitational attraction of Snow Moon can cause a high tide when the moon is full or new. The effect produces a spring tide perigean. Experts have also linked supermoons to earthquakes.

Until now, floods are expected in the northwest and northeast of England and Wales.

However, 25 flood risks are scattered in the north of England, the Midlands and southwestern England.

Flood warnings will remain in place for at least two days.

Meteorologists have revealed that higher tides combined with strong winds could cause coastal flooding and produce more intense storms.

READ MORE: Supermoon 2019: The largest full moon coincides with THIS historical date

Supermons have also been accused of causing natural disasters.

Geologists in Japan believe that the super-moon caused a powerful earthquake in New Zealand in 2016.

Other experts have claimed that several major earthquakes occurred at similar moments of "tidal stress".

NASA has argued against the powers of the supermoon.

They said the Earth should not be affected in an extreme way because there are already two tides a day.

The supermoon, which is the biggest of the year, should be 7% brighter than any other this year.

The phenomenon occurs when the closest approach to the Moon on Earth, called its perigee, coincides with the full moon.

The next supermoon will fall on the night of March 21 but will not be as bright as tonight's lunar extravagance.


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