Supreme Court Could Ignore New Shocking Citizenship Test of Census


Voter advocates who opposed the government's attempt to add a census question on citizenship faced a setback on Wednesday. A federal court has postponed any investigation into new evidence that the issue came from a partisan agent who hoped it would benefit "non-Hispanic whites."

The case – and the question of what to do about newly revealed evidence – is now in the hands of the Supreme Court, which is expected to make a decision within the next three weeks.

The ACLU, the New York Immigration Coalition and others had hoped that Judge Jesse Furman would allow the expedited discovery of the case. This would allow them to search for more evidence and possibly interview government officials about what they knew and when.

The evidence consists of a pile of documents found on the deceased agent's hard drive and contradicts the sworn testimony of government officials who claimed to have raised the issue of citizenship themselves. Exploring more evidence would probably lead to more damning information and could eventually lead the Supreme Court to suspend its own deliberations.


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