Supreme Court Rejects Firearms Advocates' Call for Prohibition of Short-Lived Actions


On Friday, the Supreme Court prejudiced a group of gun rights groups and lawyers seeking temporary relief following the Department of Justice's new inventory ban.

The plaintiffs, which includes five people and three gun advocacy groups, asked the court to block the ban on them while their challenge was taking place in court. The Conservative judges of the court, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, reportedly granted their request.

The Trump administration's ban on hump stocks came into effect on March 26, although several pro-firearms groups filed urgent petitions asking the court to postpone its implementation and enforcement as long as judicial proceedings would continue. But in addition to Friday's action, the judges dismissed two more applications last week.

The new regulation classifies mogul stocks as machine guns, thus prohibiting their use and possession. The owners of the aircraft were required to destroy them or return them to the police before the rule of the Department of Justice came into effect.

Those who do not comply with the ban could be prosecuted and liable to a term of up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of $ 250,000.

Hump ​​stocks allow semi-automatic rifles to shoot faster, and appeals for a device bans hit a record high after shooting in October 2017 at a country music festival in Las Vegas. Fifty-eight people were killed and many more injured when the shooter fired on the crowd through the window of a nearby hotel.

The police found that the shooter was equipped with dozens of firearms with bump stocks, and lawmakers subsequently demanded that the devices be declared illegal.

In February 2018, President Trump asked the Department of Justice to ban bump stocks and the agency announced the new rule in December.

[[[[Opinion: The ban on "hump stocks" makes sense, even though it will not make a big difference]


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