"I do not agree with the President's decision to invoke the National Emergencies Act – I do not think this is the purpose of the law – it was intended for catastrophic events, such as the attacks perpetrated against our country on September 11 and the severe natural disasters., "Collins, who represents Maine, said at an event in the state. "I support the lawsuit filed by the states.I think it may be the fastest way to get an injunction that would stop this transfer of funds."
Collins, a key vote in the Senate to be re-elected in 2020, said the move would "completely undermine Congress's role in the process of allocating credits," adding that it "was acting" of dubious constitutionality ".
The senator stated that she was considering voting for a resolution to end the national emergency that will be presented to the House on Friday before her transfer to the Senate.
"I do not know what will be the voting situation in the Senate, or what this resolution will say," she said. "If it's a pure disapproval resolution, I'll support it."
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