Swarthmore students demand the closure of a fraternity that boasted of "rape in the attic"


The brothers of the fraternity spoke about acquiring drugs of rape and boasting about their "attic for rape". They said that they had had sex with underage girls and suggested creating group longshoremen where you could read, "We do not drink during the day, we BLACK OUT. "

Dozens of students from Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania's elite school, stormed a fraternity house this weekend after campus publications leaked this information a long time ago. document in which members of the Phi Psi fraternity of the school boasted of sexual conquests and sexual assault.

The protesters, who call themselves the Coalition to End Violence in Fraternities, have been camping in and around the fraternity house, asking the school to dissolve Phi Psi and the other fraternity, Delta Upsilon.

The occupation Square Swarthmore, a small progressive arts school with progressive reputation, is at the center of a permanent national debate on sexual assault on college campuses.

According to the protesters, the documents attest to what they have been trying to say to university administrators for years: the fraternity houses of the school are dangerous places and must be closed.

"I spoke to the fraternity liaison," said Morgin Goldberg, an elder who has been sleeping in the Phi Psi house since Saturday as part of the protest. "I told the driving dean, I told the old dean of students, I told the new dean of students, I told the president."

Ms. Goldberg, who said she was sexually assaulted by a Phi Psi member as a freshman, said the presence of what is known as the attic for rape had been known on campus for years and that she had warned administrators of the dangers of confinement. rooms in fraternity homes on at least 20 occasions.

In a letter to students, President Valerie Smith, a specialist in African-American literature directing the school since 2015, described the fraternity's documents as "heinous" and said that "racism The misogyny and homophobia described in these documents are antithetical to college values. She temporarily suspended fraternity activities pending the results of an independent investigation.

This week is the last week of classes in Swarthmore. Between classroom work, protesters sang protest songs in the courtyard of the fraternity. One of their signs reads: "This house is ours."

In an email, a school spokeswoman, Alisa Giardinelli, said that Swarthmore had participated in a broader discussion about the role of Greek life on campus and that Ms. Smith had charged a working group of # 39; examine brotherhood activity last fall. This working group is expected to give him his recommendations on Friday.


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