15 things you did not know about "Mission: Impossible" | MovieZine


There is so much to learn about these movies, but the most important thing we can learn is that Tom Cruise is a very, very cool guy.

The "Mission: Impossible" movies are fun and action-packed movies that amaze the crowds every time with stunt scenes that make the star Tom Cruise show why he's the king of & dquo; # 39, Hollywood. Even for the most obsessed fans, I think this list will be interesting, but you will hurry, these 15 things about the movies "Mission: Impossible" will explode in 5 seconds!

1. Tom Cruise was able to climb.

Cruise decided to climb the Burj Khalifa building instead of using a green screen for this crazy waterfall. Lat can not be called anyway!

2. Dermot Mulroney played the cello in the orchestra.

Dermot Mulroney, who is best known as an actor, is also a cellist. He participated in the orchestra and recorded music for several films "Mission: Impossible".

3 C was close to the eye.

Cruise insisted that the knife in this scene would be right. He also wanted the knife to stop half a centimeter from the eye.

4. He fell with his head before.

In this classic scene, Cruise has struggled to fall head first and his face hit the ground again and again until he's tired of it. He went to a stuntman, borrowed a little money and put them in his shoes. The cruise could then maintain the perfect balance in the scene, great idea!

5. Help surprising directions.

We all ask for help sometimes, we ask our mother or our friends if they can help us. J.J. Abrams instead asked Steven Spielberg for help. Spielberg came up with the idea that spies could get secret information by using unique cameras in "Mission: Impossible III".

6. Not bad to be his first job.

Some of us start our career as a dishwasher or waitress. J.J. Abrams, on the contrary, began his career as a director to record "Mission: Impossible III". The film had a budget of $ 150 million. Not bad as first concert!

7. Last Betamax movie.

The first movie "Mission: Impossible" was actually the latest Betamax movie produced by a big movie studio.

8. The wolverine has a lot to thank.

Hugh Jackman had not received the role of Wolverine in "X-Men" if it was not because Dougray Scott, who was actually called Wolverine, had to continue recording " Mission: Impossible "instead. Scott also had a broken hand that made it hard to beat Jackman anyway.

Ninth Bikini and nuns.

Two things that do not usually exist in the same direction: Bikini models and nuns. What do they have in common? They both became a maneuver for the "Mission: Impossible" march to be filmed when they were in Rome. They called actors who pretended to record scenes in the film so that the fans let them do it when they recorded and it worked. What can we understand, for who does not want to watch a mix between bikini models and old nuns?

10. Of all the things you can break the ribs of …

Tom Cruise is famous for doing their crazy stunts all alone in the movies "Mission: Impossible". But that was another reason why Cruise was hurt this time. He returned too quickly and broke several ribs on the run.

Eleventh The police believed that it was a bombshell.

When Paramount had the brilliant idea of ​​releasing 4,500 speakers on the theme "Mission: Impossible III," Paramount probably did not want to say that the speakers seemed very embarrassing and that many thought that there were bombs that had been deployed. Bomb experts have been called several times to destroy these "bombs" and a hospital has even been suspended because of it.

12 Metallica wrote the song.

"Mission: Impossible III" is the first film for which Metallica wrote a song for

Thanks thirteenth, but no thanks.

Paramount Bath Reza Badiyi, director of the television series "Mission: Impossible", will be a consultant for new films. But when Badiyi came to the recording of "Mission: Impossible", director Brian De Palma thanked a lot for the help, but also said that he just did not need the help of Badiyi. The reason he told me was that the movies would be completely different from the TV series and that would be fine for both directors if they were trying to cooperate. Badiyi stood and left.

Fourteenth Hands can not be his thing?

J.J. Abrams really must not like to see people touching each other. In any case, that's what I think because Tom Cruise and Billy Crudup were allowed to use their own hands when they crashed. Cruise also had to push a weapon in the nose when it was the work of another actor.

15. The director had to keep an eye on him.

As usual when you ask Cruise not to do anything, it does so in all likelihood. As he climbs a hill in the introductory scene at "Mission: Impossible III", it's really him that looks like a hill. Director John Woo wanted to use Greenscreen, but Cruise insisted that they were shooting the scene well.

What do you think of Tom Cruise and his crazy stunts?

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