15 years of reggae in Öland


For Mir Grebäck von Melen, head of communication for this year's festival, it is the eleventh year in a row at Öland Roots.

– It started as a little party on the beach, but now it's a big change. From music she has turned into art, culture, culture and her own restaurant, she says.

According to Mir Grebäck von Melen, it is clear that the festival is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.

– This year we are cooperating even more and everyone is investing a little more and that so many artists are investing so much this year is one of the most special things.

She is convinced that the festival will last at least 15 years.

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According to Maxida Märak, security A and O is on a festival. Photo: Tindra Englund

Safety at the festival

One of the artists who visits Öland Roots for the first time this year is Maxida Märak. According to her, security is now A and O for a successful festival.

– The most important thing about a festival right now is that it's safe. That no one will have to look over their shoulder to not be raped. According to Amanda Amanda Märak, nicknamed "Maxida Märak", guards and guards are the most important.

Mir Grebäck von Melen recognizes that security is important and believes that the festival has invested a lot in the development of security as a number of visitors.

– When 7000 people are gathered, the challenge is at its peak. We think cooperation is the most important, she says.

According to her, she is also the one that separates Öland Roots from many other festivals

– We erase the border between visitor and organizer and between artist and organizer. We are all those who create the festival together and I think it's great, "says Mir Grebäck von Melen.

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