17 dead were found after yesterday's accident in Laos and then a dam in Attapeu province in southeastern Laos


Several villages under the pond are completely flooded, with water rising on the roofs of houses. Relief operations are in full swing, the government is appealing for emergency assistance and hundreds of people are still missing in the water plans.

According to Reuters, 2,851 people were evacuated from the affected area and about 3,000 people still need help.

– We will continue rescue operations today but it is very difficult, conditions are very difficult. According to an anonymous Lao government spokesman in Reuters, dozens of people may be dead, perhaps even more.

The dam was one of the smaller of the large hydroelectric project consisting of two main rooms. five less. About five billion cubic meters of water – about one third of the water volume of Lake Mälaren – should have been released at the time of the accident.

The dam was not completed but should be used in 2019. SK Engineering & Construction, a South Korean company involved

Laos, one of the countries of Asia said: "We immediately alerted the authorities and started evacuating the villagers," the company said in a statement.

Laos, one of the Asian countries the poorest country, is the subject of a large-scale enterprise on the production ponds to become what 39, we call the "battery of Asia".

Almost all ponds are built by companies from other countries in the region with promises to get it from the electricity that will be produced.

Environmental organizations have repeatedly warned that the rapid expansion of the country's ponds has major consequences for people and the environment.

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