3 x Bergman in new documentaries


The writer Ingela Bergman reports impressions of Bergman's week at Fårö 25/6 – 1/7

– Why did you get the job as Bergman's script?
– Because there was a shortage of staff, Katinka Farago answers.
– Why did you get the Bo Widerberg employee position?
– Because I was ignorant!, Answers Kalle Boman.
The crowd frightens the responses of the two main Swedish collaborators Katinka Farago as the "right hand" of Bergman and Kalle Boman, "Swedish Film Backbone" according to Jannike Åhlund, who directs this fully sold seminar, which is the only one of its kind. one of the highlights of Bergman Week in Fårö.
That Kalle Boman and Katinka Farago are so modest in their work with the most famous Swedish directors is really totally unthinkable. In an industry based on success, be famous, create the history of cinema. But not those two. Farago with unique skills to learn how Bergman found his artistic path, Boman as a decisive creative film for Bo Widerberg and later, among others Gabriela Pichler with his sleep Eater die and Ruben Östlund with his Square

This year Bergman Week, of course, celebrated the 100th anniversary of Ingmar Bergman with extra-cinematic performances, concerts, stand-up, new choreographic works inspired by Bergman. Three new documentary films about Ingmar Bergman were also premiered in Sweden at Bergman Week.
This is Bergman by Jane Magnusson, a year, a life honored at Cannes as well as Margarethe von Trottas In Search of Ingmar Bergman and Marie Nyreröds The Undefeated Feminine ] which focuses Bergman's third wife, Gun Grut (married Bergman).
There are three films with a female look on male genius. Magnusson's documentary dates from 1957, when young Bergman will probably not be productive with three new films (premiere at the Seventh Seal, recording near Life and Smultron Scene), two performances at the Malmö City Theater.
A good and ambitious film with very black-and-white film footage of a young man engaged with fast body language when talking with actors and filmmakers. The film has a rich cinematic content of Bergman's work, his private life and interviews with experts on the reasons for his work.
Also film scenes showing the black sides of Bergman when the director accuses the actor Torsten Flinck to destroy him. performance that is invited to guest games in New York.
Then an American filmmaker next to me on Sudersandsbion begins to cry, who traveled from the United States to Fårö to learn more about Bergman.

Marie Nyreröds Unbeaten Femininity is a strong documentary about Gun Grut, the third wife of Bergman, whom he secretly escorted to Paris where a young Viljoen Sjöman was stuck with manus in.Twift with Gun , separated by two children, Bergman was happy and would make summer with Monika with Harriet Anderson – and the time of the next divorce. However, the memory of the powerful independent gun followed in his films, as the tough Eva Dahlgren in the summer night smile.
When Marie Nyreröd interviews old Bergman, he presents a picture of Gun. 50 years after their divorce, just over 30 years after her death, she is still one of the most important people of her life

Margarethe von Trottas Ingmar Bergman's research is his first documentary film. She is the only director of the film Two German Sisters on the 11th list of best films of Bergman.
Bergman's research today examines its significance in interviews of passionate experts with French writers and directors who give new perspectives, Swedish filmmakers such as Stig Björkman and Ruben Östlund, a German actor who explains how to work with Bergman at the Munich Residenztheater. in the Worms movies and the life of the Marionettes when he left Sweden.

Margarethe von Trotta's film has a strong energy, curiosity, artistic rigor. She visits the rooms of Hov to see the scene where the iconic scenes between Death (Bengt Ekerot) and Knight (Max von Sydow) have been recorded and give a complex insight into the seventh seal.
His documentary film is the best I've ever seen about Ingmar Bergman – in a good, unexpected way.

After the film we talked about her visit to Malmö when she was the signatory of the conversation leader on Rosenstrasse, which she remembers with great warmth.
It was a seminar on his feature film, a true story about the civil war of women during the Second World War.

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