30 dead in prison on Pakistani election day – News


Hundreds of thousands of police and military personnel have been deployed in the country's ballrooms. Since the election campaign, a series of attacks has required more than 180 lives

. This did not prevent a new explosion Wednesday morning in the city of Quetta, in western Pakistan, a few hours after the opening of polling stations. The author attempted to sneak into a closet and unleashed his explosion when police intervened to arrest him, according to local AFP officials.

The death rate has risen to 30, two people having been hospitalized spokesman of the hospital.

The Islamic State claims to be behind the attack in a statement through the propaganda body Amaq. The jihadist group also attacked earlier in July when a suicide bomber killed 149 people in a poll – one of the bloodiest in the history of Pakistan.

Tipped Winner

The former Star Cricket and Playboy Imran Khan and his PTI party should be able to take the elections, which would mean a change of power in poor Muslim power.

Kahn voted Wednesday morning in the suburbs of the capital Islamabad and told AFP that it was time to defeat the Pakistanis. "

Entrepreneur Maryum Arif, the first voter to make her voice heard at a wardrobe in the big city of Lahore, is on the government side of the PML-N

She has served Pakistan well, she says to AFP She did not go to vote despite the tense security situation

The security situation is good here

Good growth

Rege The PML-N party, which is fighting against the ITP for electoral victory, can, among other things, support good economic growth and a flow of foreign investment during the party's ruling years.

But the scandal of the former leader and prime minister Nawaz Sharif A few weeks ago, sentenced to corruption, shook the party, his campaign has since been sought by Shahbaz Sharif, Nawaz Sharif's brother.

The scandal has given impetus to Imran Khan and at PTI Khan went on to pick big promises for eradicate corruption, solve environmental problems and build a welfare state according to Islamic principles.

Imran Khan is our only hope to change the destiny of the country. We are here to give him our support in the fight against corruption, said Tufail Aziz, a 31-year-old voter in Reuters after leaving his voice in a polling station in the city of Peshawar

. however, has been accused of allegations that the country's powerful military stopped behind him and tried to turn the election to his advantage, which was rejected by the army.

According to the latest polls, the situation seems to be very similar between PTI and PML-N.

The second party of the government party, the PPP party, has slipped during the waltz – but can play an important role as as prefect in parliament.

Of the 207 million Pakistani residents, about 106 million are registered as voters.

Vallokalerna is open until 3 pm Swedish time, but Pakistani newspaper Dawn reports that a representative of the PML-N government party filed a claim to be extended for an hour.

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