300 miles left in the United States for migrants – News – Corren.se


I miss my country. I do not do that because I want it. Nobody leaves the house to go to a place they do not know. But sometimes, things force us to do things because of what is happening in our homelands, "said Delmer Martinez, who has left El Salvador.

Many migrants had stopped to rest, wash and worry about their feet.

Migrants flee violence, political concerns and poverty in their country of origin and the goal is to reach the United States. This is despite the fact that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has threatened to appeal to the military to prevent them from crossing the border, as well as the threat of a reduction in the number of people. aid to Central American countries.

According to the UN, about 7,000 people would be included in the "migrant caravan". The Mexican authorities, however, estimate that fewer than 4,000 people report that about 1,700 people in the caravan have already applied for asylum in Mexico.

Most migrants come from Honduras. They still have about 300 miles to go to the United States.

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