5 Exciting Space Adventures – Here Are The Biggest Sites In The Space


Tired of a usual holiday here? In the future, it is possible for individuals to travel in space – as a tourist. Here are some of the sites in the space. "It will be exciting to follow the plans for space and private travel."

The race for space tourism is in full swing and it is not impossible in the future to travel in space. Today, companies are Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin, which is obvious when it comes to tourist trips in the space. The first trips seem to be both expensive and time consuming, and it is not a trip to the moon but a few minutes of weightlessness before returning to earth. But who knows what's going on in the future? Maybe it's usual to spend a weekend in March or spend a week on the moon? The hotel and travel site momondo has listed some of the sites that may be the tourist's tourist destination in the future.

Photo: Bryangoffphoto / Bryan Goff / Unsplash

In the future, it is possible to travel in space – as a tourist.

– We think like many others that space is an exciting place and that space tourism is a hot topic, it was fun to explore the hacking reunions of the future, "he said. said Carl Sundberg, Swedish spokesperson for Momondo. Until the moon is far away, journeys to Mars and other galaxies are literally light years away. But it never hurts to dream.

– Some sites may be difficult to physically visit, but some of the listed sites may become so.

The most historical site of space is the landing site of Apollo 11 – where the first landing on the Moon took place in 1969. Since the interest of the 70s for lunar trips has cooled, Maybe there is a tourist or two who would like to land on the moon? Those who walk on the moon also leave traces that will not disappear long, when the footprints of the moon last for thousands of years. This then nothing can erase the tracks, because the moon has neither water, nor life, nor wind.

Linalitvina / Angelina Litvin / Unsplash

The moon is a possible future tourist destination.

Blue sunset

If tourists in the distant future will be able to visit in March, a spectacular sunset awaits them . The sunset seems blue because of the small dust particles in the air. And while tourist trips to Mars are far into the future, the first people can soon put their feet on Mars. The Mars project wants to send teams of two women and two men to the planet.

Source: SpaceX / Unsplash

Train, bus, flight or spaceship. In the future, there could be more options for travel.

16 sunsets – per day

Traveling to the ISS International Space Station has already been completed, the first in 2001. It has cost millions of dollars, but it's certainly attainable. And if you travel to the ISS, you do not miss the sunsets, the space station travels nearly 16 rounds around the world every day. Therefore, at the resort, they can also see 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets. From the station, you can also see active volcanoes, storms and aurora borealis on earth

Photo: NASA / Unsplash

The largest reservoir of water of Universum

140 billion times more water than what exists throughout the ocean of the earth – it contains the largest water tanks in the world. Two astronauts have discovered a quasar, an active galaxy core, named APM 08279 + 5255. In this galaxy core, there is a black hole, and around this black hole you will find the largest water reservoir of the world. Although the docks and the large amount of water are more than 10 billion light years away, you may need to wait a bit before booking your trip.

The center of the winter street

The earth is in the galaxy, the winter street, and its center consists of a black hole surrounded by clouds. Today, it is difficult to observe and investigate the center, but you have seen flashes of infrared light on the site, probably because of the gas entering the black hole. . So, if you can ever visit the heart of our galaxy, maybe there is something to see.

The Northern Lights look like space ] 00: 35

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