75 sentenced to death in Egypt – several hundred are prosecuted | foreign


In Egypt, 75 people were sentenced to death for crimes against the security of the state. Among the convicts, there are known leaders of the Forbidden Muslim Brotherhood.

The verdict concerns the demonstrations held in protest against President Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

Morsi, who had himself trained in the Muslim Brotherhood, was resigned by the army after less than 15 years. one year in the presidency

. The settlement was crushed with great brutality by security forces and hundreds of people were killed.

The decisions of the court must be reviewed by the Egyptian air force, which is the highest religious authority in the country. Stormuftin has no formal authority over the court's decision, but by law it must be heard in the case.

More than 700 people are being prosecuted and the court is expected to drop more sentences in September.

Among the defendants are Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Badie, but also famous journalist and photographer Mahmoud Abu Zeid. Prosecutors face the death penalty or long prison terms.

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