8 Wild West diseases that you can simulate to spell you Friday (certificate included!)


The Wild West was clearly a superficial place. As long as you did not get shot or got sick because of a sketch. Then the freshness quickly turned into song and death anguish. The art of the doctor was still underdeveloped if one could even get a good doctor. A huge distance meant that most had to manage themselves. Kvacksalvare for the earth and the kingdom around and sold inefficient remedies. Mortality among the settlers was enormous.

Red Dead 2 In fact, just before the turn of the century, much of what twentieth century man believed was a distant dream for the people hired in what would become the country. the most powerful in the world.

face Red Dead Redemtion 2– Releasen now lists FZ, exclusively, eight of the worst diseases from time to time. You can simply try to make believe your unqualified nurse to print a Red Dead Sick certificate to give to the school or employer.

Good luck!


Sewage and sanitation are absolutely not neglected in the Wild West, and in 1831, the dreaded cholera bacteria caused permanent burns, dehydration and often … death! And who can work with an adult diaper? Erase excuse for absence.


It may seem harmless, but imagine that the entire upper jaw is rotten because you eat only dried beef and never brush your teeth? And you have to whip an entire whiskey before Doc pulls your teeth with a big plier.


Sexually transmitted diseases are a hostage and at that time they could die. Get sick before the snoring falls!


You care about your environment and with a mortality of 20-30%, you do not want to give anything to your collages. Blisters, rashes and high fever. Quarantine, thank you!


Acute intestinal inflammation that you caused after eating something inappropriate. Diarrhea, blood in the stool, stomach cramps, fever and rectum of the rectum. Blood poisoning and kidney failure in some cases. Call the clinic immediately!


If something is justified by the mode reads (with manual control), it is Stryparsjukan. Swollen nose, difficulty breathing and thick gray mourning in the pharynx. Avoid everything and everyone, you just have to sit in privacy. Do not know if fleas make the situation worse.


Your colleagues would not appreciate if you held a draw on the latest quarterly report while looking like a hot, spicy sausage. If you also have a fever and are so sensitive to light that you should prefer in a dark room, it is best to stay at home in total isolation. (The disease has made a comeback in the 21st century, thank you for the refusal of the vaccine!)

Nerve fever

"Miss, I'm sorry, I can not keep it better for Peruvian mountain cats because I have NERVFEBER!" With our certificate, she quickly teaches you an ok, so she certainly does not want the rest of the class to be tired, torn and then dying. Does not that still mean that "fläcktyfus" is the most serious thing? It is assured that the principal calls the institution of protection against infections.

Seso, take responsibility for your colleagues and classmates – choose to continue and print the FZ certificate today. Your game life and the lives of others depend on it!

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