The life of Ahmed Abdirahman is like a saga – Summer in P1



Ahmed Abdirahman.

After a plate in Mogadishu – for a dinner with Paul McCartney and Steven Spielberg

In the summer, Ahmed Abdirahman, founder of the new political scene, Järvaveckan, recounts his masculine and lights an unlikely journey of the life

a story, but that's true – and deeply impressive.

Twenty years ago, he came to Sweden in the middle of winter, with bad shoes and bad clothes, without being able to speak Swedish.

Today, he is expert on integration issues at the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

and it is a subject he can and fires.

He himself had to make a detour to the United States to enter and be part of Swedish society.

And that's the part, how he ended up there, that's like a saga.

To a certain extent, it was his own merit, his own glow and impressive driving force.

He started at Swedish school without being able to read or write Somali – But he was not only at school, he learned – when he returned from the School, he followed his own strict schedule, with 30 minutes of matte, 30 minutes of Swedish and 30 minutes of drawing, with a 15 minute break between them

In Tensta, where he lived all his life in Sweden he was soon called "Ahmed Svensson", because he was so good in Swedish.

In high school he was praised for his brilliant seawater manufacturing work. The reward was to go to Ross School in New York and hold a lecture he could barely speak English

There he met the founder of the school, Mrs. Ross, after Steve Ross, who created Warner Communication. [19659006

She invited him to the United States and opened the door for a new life – he stayed there for eight years.

He met celebrities from around the world and discussed integration with people as director Ren Steven Spielberg – The Neighbor "Steve" – ​​and Paul McCartney, who laughed well when the young Ahmed Abdirahman asked what the Beatles played for the music.

He had unique contacts and created a global network of influential people.

Thank you for this wonderful summer, Ahmed and congratulations on the Somali National Day

Birth: Ahmed Abdirahman
Age: 32 years old
Living: Born in Somalia, living in Stockholm
Occupation: Expert in Industrial Policy
Current: Founder of the recently completed Järvaveckan
Past participation in the summer: Beginner

Quick guide

Message Report:
K nslostyrka:
Humor Level:
Oh. Fan Factor:

First Sentence
"I only have 20 minutes left from the center of Stockholm to go home."
Last sentence
"This is not done via Political Development in an Electoral Movement – This Can Only Happen in Social Science Meetings
✓ 3 Choices of Typical Songs
Laleh – "A moment on earth"
Beatles – "The long, winding road"
Erik Lundin Suedi "

Summer in P1 – The events we remember 00:28

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