The pedophile is crazy – but must be


The song was released already 2015, by comedian and stallion Anton Magnusson. Under the pseudonym of Mr. Cool, he sang that the best thing when cooked is "a very good kidnapping". Only this morning the song was captured by a number of deep people, with a large number of followers on social media. They had been spoiled by the raw content and urged their followers to make sure the song was gone. If only a sufficient number of people reported "Fuck Children" on Spotify, the music service would remove it, they informed their followers.

The profiles invited everyone to the collection, and the collection arrived. and it ends up that the song that could have been the best to stay forgotten and unhappy in the dark sea spotify suddenly dripped all over Sweden and finally, on Saturday, it ended up on Spotify's viral list.

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J & # 39; listened reluctantly and with increasing nuisance, it is almost unbearable to listen, I try to understand what is but I can not understand it, it is just sad, short and good, so I stopped and decided not to listen to the song anymore. is an old behavior, we also all the previous years; when we do not like anything we stopped eating it. We changed channels. Turn off the radio. But that is in 2018 and now we are trying to make sure that no one else is listening either. Unfortunately, the critics, those who now want the song to be deleted and gone, have not entered the context. They do not seem to know that Anton Magnusson is a comedian. So you can discuss the quality of the song, but you can not misunderstand the intentions. Anton Magnusson deliberately tries to create humor by provoking and shocking in his music. He is a comedian who plays the character "Mr Cool", just as Sasha Baron Cohen played the character Borat. When Borat said that he loved girls' vaginas, no one thought Sasha Baron Cohen had done it. It was understood that he was a character.

It's different here. Contexts, crazy crowds doing work on social media, influenced by major profiles of large accounts. The task is not only to erase the song, but also to make known the hut to the comedian. He becomes hated and threatened. On Anton Magnusson's comment field on Instagram and Twitter, you can read things like: "I will personally wipe my head, prove my words."

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It's so sad And because we live in Conscious misunderstandings, I would like to emphasize this: I think that pedophilia is disgusting, I think that the song written by Anton Magnusson is bad. to defend such an incredible little thing, but it also feels important.You must be able to be provocative and unpleasant without having disproportionate consequences.You must be able to make a text tasteless, and even without risk of Being censored or You must be able to say controversial things without fearing the consequences: these are important things in a democracy, we live in a time when social media is wilder. A celebrity calls its 10,000 supporters to act against an anomaly. And then hell gets lost. The reader is spinning and everything is dark and unpredictable. There is no reflection here. Here are no principles. There is only hatred here.

And it works. When I enter Spotify, I see that the song has been deleted. It's as if it never existed.

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