Chancellor Kurz takes power in Europe – News


Political Infant says Adepts

Opportunistic Chickens Criticize Critics

No matter what it seems, however, it happened quickly for the only child to the engineer Joseph and Professor Elisabeth de Meidling in the southwest of Vienna

aged 27, he became Minister of Foreign Affairs, as the party's 30-year-old leader for the moderates of the Austria, ÖVP. And less than six months later, he wins the elections and forms the government, in coalition with the SD Freedom Party counterpart, FPÖ

Migration Policy

The right-wing government will lead the work of the Council of Ministers from the EU and will try to get the liberal and socially democratically controlled countries around the EU to solve the problems of the trade war with the United States, relations with Russia and the forthcoming release from Great Britain


I have always said that the Australian model (with centers of asylum outside the country's borders) should be our model. I've received massive criticism about this, but now the European debate is in that direction, said Kurz himself on Friday after the last summit of European leaders in Brussels


. A little over a week, Interior Minister Herbert Kickl of the FPÖ hosted a Minister of Justice and the Interior in Innsbruck. In September, a special summit in Salzburg also awaits the heads of state and government on security and the external borders of the EU

The young Chancellor considers himself a man capable of overcoming contradictions [19659014]. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I have seen growing tensions between North and South and between East and West in recent years. We will try to find more harmony and solidarity in the EU, promised Kurz when he and his government went to Brussels in early June to present their plans.

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