Quentin Tarantino grät när han sà ¥ g nyversionen av Suspiria –


Dario Argento slog igenom stort 1977 from now on slug in den kultförklarade skräckfilmen Suspiria. For more information on this product, please visit the following site: http://www.youtube.com/watch? När ett klipp visades upp i våras fick kritiker lämna rummet for att spy upp salladen som de precis hade ätit. "I showed it to Quentin Tarantino, we are friends since our jury work at the Venice Film Festival," he added. I was nervous but eager to hear his advice, we saw him at home and his reaction warmed me up, he was enthusiastic, he ended up crying and m? A. tight in his arms, because it is a horror film but also a melodrama. to make you look at the horror without being able to take [your eyes off the screen] because you are captivated by the characters, Amazon is very happy. "

Ett svenskt premiärdatum har ännu int offentliggjorts men i United States går skräckfilmen upp på biograferna i november


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