Jar Jar Skådisen wanted to kill after a backlash –


Jar Jar Binks is universally hated by Star Wars fans (except George Lucas himself) and is considered one of the many aspects that destroyed Star Wars for many when Lucas launched his prequeltrilogy, but no one thought that criticism beware that the actor Jar Jar Ahmed Best was considering suicide. Mr. Best wrote on Twitter that almost 20 years ago, he encountered a media reaction that almost brought him to a close. He does not mention anything about the franchise, but considering what he's already commented on Binks' role (including the death threats) and the release of Phantom Menace in 1999, he does not say anything about the franchise. is not difficult to understand what he means. On Twitter, he posted a picture of himself with his son at the location of the planned suicide:

"20 years to next year, I suffered a media reaction that still affects my career today Lemme knows "

The actor Jake Lloyd who played Lill-Anakin had to undergo similar treatment and became a good story for my solo show. essentially intimidated for his involvement, which prompted him to stop acting. So it does not seem easy to be in the spotlight when the efforts of Star Wars are not satisfactory, as we clearly saw in The Last Jedi. How do you see all the reactions of Star Wars people over the years?

Meesa treats alota doo-doo right now …

Hollywood Reporter

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