Justin Trudeau in blue weather after the history of the paw


Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, bluffs because he – a pronounced feminist – will have hit a journalist. That happened 18 years ago, at a festival in Creston, when he was 28 years old and did not start to engage politically. And the woman in question has never tried to do anything about it

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in a blue vein for an undesirable approach – 18 years ago [19659003] Patrick Doyle / AP / TT

The reporter, Rose Knight, has now broken his silence on the case of a letter to the CBC television channel. She confirms that she is the journalist of the original article published in Creston Valley Advance in 2000, which deals with Justin Trudeau who pricks her. Justin Trudeau was at the time known as the former son of Trustee Pierre Trudeau.

"I make this statement reluctantly because of increasing pressure from the media," writes Knight. She also writes that Trudeau apologized the next day and that she did not want to follow up on the occasion. Knight writes that after that, she never had contact with Trudeau and that she had no intention of saying more about it.

His letter came after a newspaper article that raised the case again. Trudeau is quoted as saying that "he would never have been so crazy" he knew that she was a journalist.

After the article, he defended himself:

– I do not think I acted in any way, but I respect that Another person may have lived it differently said Trudeau.

– A man can often feel an interaction as benevolent or non-abusive while a woman, especially in a professional setting, can experience it differently. We must respect that.

When he was appointed prime minister, Justin Trudeau appointed a cabinet of only half of the men

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