The man was beaten on the street in Helsinki and had a brain injury – the reason was that he was speaking Swedish with his girlfriend


A 20-year-old was found guilty of abuse after suffering a serious brain injury. The girlfriend of the victim said that the cause of the violence was that the couple had spoken Swedish to each other, reports MTV.

On April 1, the convict watched the couple outside the Kampens metro station in Helsinki, writes MTV. The man did not know the couple before, but according to the girlfriend of the victim, the stranger had started arguing because the couple spoke Swedish to each other

The situation worsened so that the attacker hit the victim twice in the head. The woman tried to walk, but the author said that he "was doing it for her". When the victim got up, the attacker again beat him and he fell unconsciously to the ground. The victim hit the head in the ground and had cerebral hemorrhages and brain damage

The Helsinki District Court sentenced the author to 30,000 euros in damages and one year and half of imprisonment for ill-treatment and brutality. (f, b, e, w, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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