Sweden hopes for a UN resolution on war children


Millions of children at war must not be children – they are recruited as soldiers, raped, killed or used as human shields. The protection of children in conflict zones is a high priority during the Blue Flag Presidency of the UN Security Council. The goal: A resolution adopted

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– 357 million children live today 396 years in many armed conflicts and 357 million for many, say Elisabeth Dahlin, Secretary General of Save the Children, for TT

Since the 1990s, the number of children in the world living in a war zone or conflict increased by 75%. Today, all six children live in one. According to a Save the Children report, 40% of children living in a conflict zone are mostly children in the Middle East.

The UNICEF UNICEF Children's Fund also bears witness to a troubling 2017 year. Children in conflict areas were exposed last year: children were used as human shields in Iraq and Syria. And in several places, armed groups exposed children to rape, forced marriages, abductions and slavery.


Afghan children play what remains of old tanks on the outskirts of Kabul. Stock Photography. Photo: Rahmat Gul

In addition, 700 children were killed in Afghanistan during the first nine months of the year and 1,740 cases of recruitment of child soldiers were conducted in Somalia over the course of ten years. first months. Since 1919, 19,000 youth have been recruited to wage armed battles in South Sudan.

In addition to violence, death and fighting, Save the Children is a major problem when emergency humanitarian corridors are not authorized by belligerents. Children dying from measles, diabetes or simple diseases of the stomach, "said Elisabeth Dahlin

The UN Security Council as Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) chairs Monday on the protection of children in conflict zones. If children are protected today, preventing the conflicts of tomorrow is the slogan. The theme has been at the center of the government since Sweden became a temporary seat of the Security Council on 1 January 2017.

– I think Sweden has brought other states, the question is taken over at serious. And we took the children's voice on the Security Council, which means it's more of a concern, "says Dahlin.


A woman carrying a child escaped fighting between the Iraqi army and the terrorist movement on the outskirts of Mosul in Iraq. Stock Photography. Photo: Marko Drobnjakovic

Child-friendly places with toys, peace and security – even in conflict zones – are considered important for youth protection and confidence in the future. . If you do not see any hope, you will be easily recruited from all possible groups, armed and criminal, "said Dahlin.

The United Nations Representation in Sweden hopes that many countries will debate and engage in the question at the meeting.I am 102% convinced that the resolution will be adopted on Monday.According to Olof Skoog, Sweden's ambassador to the UN, the emissary of the TT is very well negotiated and feels very


Olof Skoog, Swedish Ambassador to the Swedish Representation in New York, fully believes that a resolution on the protection of children in armed conflict will be adopted at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday The meeting is chaired by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) as part of the Swedish presidency of the Security Council Photo: John Alexander Sahlin / TT [19659004HenotesthatithasbeenseveralyearssincetheSecurityCouncilrecentlyadoptedaresolutionontheprotectionofchildreninarmedconflictandthatmuchhashappenedsincethenThenewresolutioncontainsadvancedpositionsinallareasaccordingtoSkoog

– Now, we understand better the need to treat children as children and victims in peace processes and not in conflict even if a group has used children. Olof Skoog

Elisabeth Dahlin has strong memories of conflict zones where Save the Children works among others to create child-friendly places

– I was in Tripoli in Lebanon and I met with them empty eyes of children silent while parents of Syria, recorded. After a few hours, the children began to question themselves by downloading legos, she says.

– When he was hit, a few years ago, these kids started dreaming regularly. They know how to play.

More than 80 speakers are reported to the UN Security Council – the subject should be debated much of Monday.

Facts: Children in Conflict Zones

  • Children Are More and More Victims of Wars and Conflict Today A few years ago, the Save Children Report shows "The War children: time to end violations against children in armed conflict ". According to the report of the Norwegian Institute for Peace Research, Prio, all six children now live in such areas.
  • In total, about 357 million children live. Organizations' research shows that children are used as targets in the war and are used as suicide bombers.
  • Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria are described as the most dangerous countries for children. The Middle East is the largest proportion of children living in a highly visible area. In Asia, there are the largest number of children affected by war and conflict
  • UNICEF also describes how children in conflict zones are exposed to violence, attacks, kidnapping, death, slavery, recruitment and forced marriage. Unicef ​​and Save the Children (TT)

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