Pakistan grieves after a deadly bombing


Photo: Arshad Butt / AP / TT

Hospitals in the area were inundated with injuries after Friday's bombing, when at least 128 people were killed.

Pakistan is a country afflicted after Friday's attack in Mastung, where at least 128 people were killed and 150 wounded.

Hospitals in the area were flooded by wounded, and for many who have been cared for, the situation is still critical.

The politician Siraj Raisani was killed in the attack, led by a suicide bomber. Raisani appealed to the representation of the people in Baluchistan province for the Balochistan Awami party (BAP). The Extreme Islamic State (IS) group has assumed the slaughter, the deadliest in Pakistan since 2014.

Tension rose in the country ahead of the July 25 elections, especially since former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced his return to the country to earn a prison sentence for corruption crimes. The attack took place shortly after the arrival of Sharif in Lahore, in northeastern Pakistan.

Sharif filed allegations of election fraud, claiming that some parts of the military were trying to prevent his party from joining the Muslim League. 19659004] The Pakistani Army warned early for the deterioration of security conditions until the elections, and announced that there should be about 370,000 soldiers in the country on election day

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