A murder burner is suspected of several forest fires


Several wildfires started completely inexplicable in the spring and summer along a limited geographical area in Kilsbergen. Police and firefighters suspect that fires are being fired by one and the same offender

– We linked at least 4 to 6 fires, where the approach was the same, says Håkan Östman

Started on the road

Mattias Ermanbrix in Nerikes the firefighters say that it 's probably a lot of other fires. Common to the fires is that they started along small roads or turning points in Kilsbergen without any natural explanation.

Start the investigation

Together, the fire department and the police will begin a joint investigation to clarify the relationship.

We will start looking at the latest fires, but we will also see several fires later in the future, "said Mattias Ermanbrix.

In the past two weeks, the fires have decreased, but a new alert was triggered Wednesday at Garphyttan. An area ten times ten meters then burned along the road. During the weekend, the rescue service fought most of the fires in the county, but according to the police, it is too early to know if one of the fires was fired

along the roads in the woods, the police judge that the person who fired the fires is a car cage. At one point, a dark craft car was shown when the fire started. Police are now looking for other witnesses

– We want to get observations from anyone who has seen something, says Håkan Östman. [ad_2]
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