One in four electors want SD in government


Up to now, this year's electoral movement is taking place with the traditional blocking policy as the basis. The Social Democrats are fighting to keep the post of Prime Minister in a government led by the S. The main opponents in this match are the moderates who are at the forefront of the bourgeois government's alternative alliance. Everyone is trying to keep the Swedish Democrats out.

At the same time, everything indicates a difficult government formation because no one seems to gather a majority

Voters, on the other hand, are open to several different solutions, shows a measure of DN / Ipsos. Among the constituents of several parties, there are significant groups that prefer collaborations beyond the traditional block boundary and with SD

David Ahlin is the IPSOS opinion manager

– The results of the survey can be considered as a pragmatic message. The problem of the government, he says.

The message of moderator Ulf Kristersson was that he wants to take power even if the alliance is less than red-green. He demands that at least SD not vote against him as the prime minister's candidate. However, some negotiations with the SD do not want the leader of group M.

Among his constituents, there is the perception that we must go much further. Every four months, sympathizer M wants Jimmie Åkesson's party to take ministerial posts in the next government.

– Moderate party leaders are challenged by a sizeable minority, says David Ahlin

. Even among KD voters, it's a quarter that wants to release the SD to the government, while only 1 in 20 has the opinion among the central parties.

Jimmie Åkesson sometimes noted that Ulf Kristersson can not take his support for granted and that he does not do it. is excluded for SD to release Stefan Löfven and a government led by the S. However, the message of Åkesson voters is clear; they prefer Kristersson

Only 15% of SD supporters want to let S enter the next government. All 60% believe that Mr. belongs to the house.

The message of Chief S Stefan Löfvens during the mandate was twofold. For four years he formed the state budget with the leftist party Jonas Sjöstedt, but at the same time sent a regular invitation to Annie Lööf, Center for Cross-Border Cooperation. Among his constituents dominates the view that he should turn left.

Four out of ten Social Democrats want to be with V in the government. Jonas Sjöstedt is therefore more popular in S-leden than the green language pipes that are in the government today. Only 3 out of 10 think they'll be next time. The fact is that an equal share wants to give ministerial posts to C.

The DN / Ipso measure also shows that crisis-Christian Democratic sentiments are fresh among alliance lovers. Among voters L and C, only one in three consider that KD is part of the government. Almost equal proportions are open to S.

– This shows that there is slight support among voters to consider the alliance as the only possible constellation of government, "said David Ahlin. 19659002] Voters Apparently became aware of the difficulties that await the election when a prime minister must be appointed.According to DN / Ipso's measure, the uncertain percentage of who will form the next government rose in the spring , from 19% in January to June 26. Similarly, the proportions that believe that the government led by the S or the M have decreased

– The uncertainty is a consequence of the bad opinion of the Social Democrats and moderates while it is good for Swedish Democrats, says David Ahlin of Ipsos.

The survey was conducted

During the period from June 7 to 18, Ipsos polled 1,805 voters [19659009] including 803 by telephone and 1,002 by digital interviews. 1,539 reported a party sympathy.

To find out more: The social democrats vallöfte: 800 million against gang crime

Read more: So good, the statements in the speech of Jimmie Åkesson at Almedalen

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