The war at home relieves the Norwegian firefighters prepared – News


The firefighter, who was in his thirties, was alone when the accident occurred and found ground lands in the fire zone, said firefighter John Arne Karlsen in the World Gang newspaper

. but his life could not be saved, says police chief Kari Monsen at NTB

In recent days he has burned in many parts of southern Norway, but many fires have also have been extinguished. Civil defense and internal warfare help firefighters shut down work.

Many firefighters are worn today. The fire officials obviously take into account the working environment and we have received good help from the civil protection, "said Anne Rygh Pedersen, director of the Civil Protection Authority and the preparation (ISB) Sunday

. with the work of extinction.

We called home because there are so many areas that burn, and it's huge to do. The Civil Defense has been there with us for several days, so that's because they'll be relieved, says Kjell Christian Knarvik at Agder's rescue service.
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