Expert: Putin's meeting illustrates Trump's worldview


The US president wants to see a new world order, where cooperation is fragmented and stable, "said US researcher Frida Stranne, and recent action is a clear sign that Mike Winnerstig, security analyst FAITH, predicts that the Senate and Congress will resist.

President Trump's meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is not so strange if we see him in Trump's attempt to create a new global political regime , where bilateral cooperation replaces alliances and international institutions, said American researcher Frida Stranne Image: Pablo Martinez Monsivais / TT

The international map is being revised, says Frida Stranne, researcher in Högskolan i Halmstad: The actions of Donald Trump in recent months indicate that the president wants to create a new world order, she believes.A kind of exte his "America first".

– It has withdrawn international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement and the TPP trade agreement. He criticizes NATO and the EU and tries to break the credibility and the future of such major institutions, "said Frida Stranne

The row with G7 colleagues and explicit support to the British breed are examples of the same trend.Trump, on the contrary, creates new bilateral agreements

From this point of view, it is not strange that Trump meets Russian leader Vladimir Putin and allows him to choose political points while the US president rejected the issue of annexation of the Crimean peninsula. "In the world that Trump wants to manage the countries themselves, thinking of their own safety first , and you agree that there are regional superpowers, she said. "

Mike Winnerstig, Security Policy Analyst at the Total Defense Research Institute, FOI, agrees that Trump wants to go to a world where the starke is right, rather than the one It is based on formal collaborations. At the same time, he says that it is not so easy

– For example, if you look at the communication that NATO made after the Brussels summit last week and approved by the United States, United, it was a real opposition. In other words, there was talk of continuing to defend against Russia in Europe.

This is not always what becomes reality, in other words.

NATO communication is not the only example where Trump pronounced in a certain way, while his administration cheers as if controversial statements have never happened, according to Mike Winnerstig . Officials, along with members of Congress and the Senate, can see the great benefits to the United States of staying allies and staying in collaborations and waking up to stay.

– The United States' position of power in the world rests not only on the United States. But also because he has a huge alliance system around the world, he says.

What could actually change the search Frida Stranne sees the beginning is whether members of Congress and senators are replaced by others who have a different attitude. This has already been done in part when, for example, the National Security Advisor was replaced by John Bolton, an UN Open Critic

– Trump must, in particular, remove Secretary of Defense James Mattis, emphasizing the need for alliances. If he's replacing Mattis by someone who calls himself an isolationist, then he'll definitely change things, says Mike Winnerstig

The world order that Trump seems to want has a huge change, says Frida Stranne. The UN stressed the right of nations to determine their own interests. There he divided what is the foundation of cooperation. I think we will see it even sooner and we will get a clear "Trump doctrine".

The question then is whether the United States will deal with European security.


Background: Trump's Last Selection in Selection [19659022] At a meeting with G7 leaders in Canada in June, Donald Trump created schisms with several major US allies, including the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. Trump also jumped out of the final outcome document of the meeting.

Before the NATO meeting in Brussels, Trump criticized the Defense Alliance, which did not "treat the United States equitably". As part of the meeting, according to Reuters, he will have said that the United States can manage without NATO unless other members increase their funding. At the same time, he teaches his fellow NATO members and believes that they are too addicted to Russia.

In an interview with US television channel CBS as part of his visit to Europe, Trump called the EU for an enemy.

During his visit to Britain, Trump interfered with domestic politics and threatened the United States to trade with the EU, rather than with Britain, if the Prime Minister Minister Theresa May pursued her sweet forehead. Trump should also have asked May to sue the EU.

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