Den 21 augusti kommer Microsoft presenter of Xbox-nyheter nater på Gamescom, gigantisk spelmässa som anordnats i den tyska staden Köln varje år beran 2009.
Learn more about this application and about this version of Xbox Elite, fr trådlös handkontroll som å populär hos många spelare då kan anpassas efter egna önskemål. Om vi får lov att tro tekniksajten The Verge får vi annat fade is nytt avtryckarlås, längre slaglängd, stöd Bluetooth i Windows 10 och en ny kontakt för att ladda enheten via usb-c.
From första läckta bilderna av den Nya models for Xbox Elite advertising redan i januari, men sedan dess hart varit sea eller mindre knäpptyst om handkontrollen.
For more details on this action, the men exakt vilka titlar som presenteras återstår att se. 19659005] window.IDG_CONFIGURATION = {"consent_project": "csp", "event": {"action": {"name": "idg-consent", "dispatched": false}, "saved": {"name" : "idg-consent-stored", "dispatcher": false}, "limbo": {"name": "idg-consent-limbo", "shipped": false}, "answer": {"name": " idg-consent-response "," dispatcher ": false}," open ": {" name ":" idg-consent-open "}}," advertisements ": {" enabled ": true," gpt_source ":" / /","unit_name":"/">8456/","_level_page":{"url ":" http% 3A % 2F% 2F2.1022% 2F1.705006% 2Frykte-efterfoljare-up to -xbox-elite-slapps-nasta-manad "," categoryIds ": [“2.1022”]," categorySlugs ": []"context": "spel, microsoft, spelkonsol, xbox, up to, rykten, Spel, Rykte, m3", "page_type": "article", "site": "https: // m3 .idg .se "," type ":" Nyhet "," typeId ":" 1.102 "," zone ":" article "," resolution ": {" enabled ": false,}}," correlator_flag ":" c orrelator "," page_ads_correlator ": []" page_in_text_config ": []" page_slots ": []" page_slots_ids ": []" page_bid_slots ": []" page_bid_slots_config ": []" gpt_ad_slots ": []"matching_slots_ids": []"prebid_active": true, "bid_out_of_page_active": true, "prebid_timeout": 450, "prebid_source": "/ assets / scripts / prebid0340-5-min.js", "prebid_code_key ":" Hb_bidder "," prebid_ad_id_key ":" hb_adid "," prebid_price_key ":" custom_bid_price_key "," prebid_hb_price_key ":" hb_pb "," facebook_pixel ": {" enabled ": true," ids ": [“330282740637844″,”991437597633928”]" source ":" "}," asyn c_sources ": {" full ": {" enabled ": true," head ":" "," footer ":" / combine / 1.637989.1486028543 / 1.635789.1455193996 / "}," light ": {" enabled ": false}}," adsense ": {" enabled ": true," source ":" https: //pagead2.googlesyndication .com / pagead / js / adsbygoogle.js "," class_name ":" adsbygoogle ",}}; var configuration_status = {start: "started", done: "done", consent_timeout: 2000, announcements: {excluding_hb: {name: "excluding_hb", timeout: 1000}, including_hb: {name: "including_hb", timeout: 1000} }, ab_test: {enable: false, name: "pageVersion", enable: [] modal: {matching_config: [] none_matching_value: {consent_disable_modal: false}, default: {consent_disable_modal: false}}}, lazy: {html: {waiting: "lazy-html-waiting", approved: "lazy-html-approved", dissaproved: "lazy-html-deprecated"}, ad: {waiting: "lazy-ad-waiting"}}} ; configuration_status.ab_test.modal.matching_config [“7”] = {consent_disable_modal: false,}; function findParentByClass (element, elementClassName) {while ((element = element.parentElement) &&! 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