The EU warns of a difficult Brexit


Britain's exit from the EU on March 29 is getting closer. At the same time, it is politically turbulent in London, which may make it more difficult for the EU-UK agreement on a Brexit deal.

On Thursday, the European Commission invited and invited member states, regions, companies and private actors to "step up their preparation for all scenarios and take responsibility for their own situation."

– I still do not think not that Brexit without agreement is the most likely scenario, but the Commission statement is very good. According to the Swedish line, everyone must prepare for a "no deal", says EU Minister Ann Linde.

She thinks that the Commission is worried about countries, companies, and so on. seriously and well prepared

Is Sweden now intensifying its preparations?

– We have a preparatory group among the secretaries of state. All departments have been charged with preparing a non-transaction scenario, "said Ann Linde.

The mission was received about a month ago.Since, several government agencies have dismissed the effects of a Difficult Brexit.

– Several Member States have not entrusted such warrants to their authorities, says Ann Linde.

The warning of the Commission comes two weeks after the Prime Minister Theresa May has united her government behind a white paper, which means the British want a free trade agreement for goods with the EU.Bread Minister David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson have resigned to protest the white paper

– The British proposal has finally come true, but it does not solve all the problems.What is currently on the wallet is to make sure er that there is an orderly exit. The white paper does not contain a complete proposal for Ireland, says Ann Linde

. It's just to get around the very sensitive issue of a guarded border on the Irish island while the British proposed free trade in goods.

On Thursday afternoon the new British Minister of Broadcasting, Dominic Raab, came to Brussels for his first personal meeting with the EU's chief negotiator.

– The time is at negotiations.

At the same time, Prime Minister Theresa May began a two-day visit to Ireland, where she will visit the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The Irish government has decided to increase its preparation for a difficult Brexit. Customs at airports and ports will be reinforced by 700 people. 300 officials, including veterinarians, will be employed to check agricultural products and animals transported between countries.

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