Jon Schnepp died – became 51 years old


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Jon Schnepp

Director Jon Schnepp is dead.

Now he's tired of fans and colleagues.

"It's with broken hearts that me and the Schnepp family have to announce that our beloved Jon Schnepp is dead," writes her fiance Holly Payne in an emotional twitter post

Schnepp was 51 years old

Jon Schnepp fell peacefully last Friday, confirming his family in social media, writes Variety .. According to fiancé Holly Payne Schnepp died as a result of a cerebrovascular accident. As her life could not save, Payne and Schnepp's sister made the hard decision to discontinue life-sustaining treatment.

Schnepp is for many the most famous for his acclaimed documentary "The Death of Superman saw " Tim Burton s released the Superman movie.The thought was that Nicolas Cage would take on the role of steelman in the Burton film, but for various reasons, production has been abandoned ee

Colleague: A Good Person

Jon Schnepp was also a well-known name in the world of comics and directed several cartoon superhero films, including "Black Panther" of 2000. He was also at the origin of the animated series Metalocalyse, which revolved around the fictional metal band Dethklok. He collaborated with Star Wars star Mark Hamill who made one of the votes.

The director Kevin Smith who participated in the death of Superman lives, takes care of his colleague

"It's terrible." Jon Schnepp made me and so many of them. 39, others happy with his work. "Death of Superman" is one of the best documentaries I've seen. And in addition to his art, Jon was really a good and kind person My heart is with you Holly Payne Do you need something, I'm here for you, "he writes on Twitter

Jon Schnepp is 51

The stars who gave us 2018 01:27


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