Polish convoy on the way – French and Germans at the hour


Cooperation in the EU is now seeking to strengthen its efforts to combat fires in Sweden. On Saturday, the convoy arrived with Polish fire trucks in Trelleborg

Magnus Eriksson, the civilian coordinator of MSB told Sveriges Radio Ekot that the long line of cars drove the E4 north at a speed about 80 kilometers. in the hour. The goal is to get ahead of Sunday afternoon in probably – Sveg.

– The information I received was that we are going to Sveg, says Magnus Eriksson, who is himself in the convoy.

This order may change, depending on the development of the fires. A first task was for the Polish group to go to Bräcke in Jämtland and from there to places of intervention.

The convoy of fire trucks had reached the Jönköping stretch at 18.30, according to Ekot's direct reports.

MSB also helped from France and Germany.

] 60 French firefighters, specially trained to work on rough and difficult terrain, will soon be on their way. And from Germany, 46 firefighters will join the fighting forces.

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