Solberg at Utøyaceremonin: "Hatet Lever"


– Seven years seem to be long, but many have a weekday still characteristic of July 22, Erna Solberg said.

Deep hat

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, was also in place. Prime Minister of Norway when the terrorist attacks were committed in 2011.

– It is important to use July 22 to mobilize against hatred, which is stronger and deeper than we do could imagine it. "

Survivors of the Utøya Terror Council were killed on the Internet." Stoltenberg called the threats outrageous and said that they were an attack not only on politically-engaged young people, but also on the core of democracy.

Ceremony on Utøya

Erna Solberg also spoke of our era of false news and hatred on the Internet

– Today, we know that the extremist terrorist was in a room echoing with phrases that shared his vision of the world of conspiracy.A worldview that is characterized by the fear of a stranger and that there is a "we" and "them" In the country today, we see the same conspiracies in the fields of comments.

The memorial ceremony is followed by a celebration on Utøya later in the day

A total of 77 people die when Breivik snatches a bomb in the Høyblokka government building, then goes to Utøya and opens fire. On the island, there was a summer camp for the Labor Party Youth League.

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