Fashion brand Ivanka Trump goes to the grave


Ivanka Trump left the company's headquarters of the same name more than a year ago to become a consultant to the White House.

Despite this, criticism of the various interests of the President in the company was maintained, especially after the review of the company's activities in China, as written DN [19659003]. of criticism of Donald Trump. Consumers were asked to boycott the company and several major chains, including Nordstrom and Hudson Bay, completely stopped selling products to the company after the protests.

Abigail Klem, who took over Ivanka Trump, informed employees stop the company. Ivanka Trump, who still owns shares in the company, commented on the closure of the staff:

– After 17 months in Washington, I do not know if or when I will return to this world. But I know that my goal in the near future will be the work I'm doing here in Washington, she said, according to the Wall Street Journal.

– So this decision is fair for my team and my partners, she said.

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