Trump Heart Poutine – True or Not?


Donald Trump was severely criticized after the Helsinki meeting where he was interpreted as calling on the people to rely more on Russian President Vladimir Putin than on the US intelligence services. Intelligence services saying that Russia was in the US presidential election for the benefit of Trump.

He did not fall into a good ground. And Trump did something so unusual as to recognize an error.

A little "step" had certainly disappeared when he opened his mouth.

He says, "I do not see why that would not be the case." "I do not see why that was the case."

– A kind of double negation that went wrong, he said.

He suddenly accepted the findings of the intelligence services – with the addition that the Russian trials had no impact on the election results.

It was an interesting day to get aids to reading. It was "false news" allegations of the type "clearly Russia did not have the election, are you crazy?" And then very calm when the president said that he said fake.

He says a lot about Trump's support: is fake news – and should not be fake news, it does not matter anyway. The facts are not the most important.

A bit like the pornographer Stormy Daniels and the other women Trump should have paid to keep silent about the alleged cases. Maybe it happened. Maybe not. Perhaps this did not happen and not . Is he so sure?

Trump voters have no trouble forgetting his mistakes, that it is an alleged mistake, of business or accusations of betraying his country in front of one of the worst enemies of the United States. So we used to look at Russia

That being said: I also think that Trump will be re-elected in two years. But that can very well depend on his relationship with Russia.

The investigation is underway. As recently as Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen claims that the presidential candidate at the time, Trump, knew that Russia was offering shit to Hillary Clinton – and approved the meeting of his eldest son and Russians at the Trump Tower in June 2016. Cohen will also be ready to testify before this particular prosecutor Robert Mueller

In this case, it would be among the closest we had direct links between Trump and the Russians until now during the period. The problem for Cohen is that there is no evidence – and Trump clearly denies it. Then, it's a good harmless bomb for Trump, at which point CNN wants to present the news as a good thing. At the same time, the New York Times reports that Mueller reads the president's Twitter messages and negative comments about Justice Minister Jeff Sessions and former FBI boss James Comey. The question is whether the hopes of Trumps can be seen as an attempt to disrupt Russia's investigation.

Trump Crisis Managers in his own way, saying that he's always been a tough guy for Putin

– If the conversation does not work, I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had , he says recently to CNBC

In this, the invitations between the Kremlin and the White House are in shuttle. Last week, Trump invited Putin, a week ago he returned the invitation with the statement that "the next meeting should be held when the Russian witch hunt is over". The witch hunts again then. Putin today responded by inviting Trump to Moscow – with the reservation "in the right circumstances". One way to stay in touch

We do not know what was said at the private meeting between Trump and Putin in Helsinki. But it's certainly not just the grammatically complicated double negatives that interfere with this relationship.

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